A school is a place where children spend almost half of their day and the protection of their health is paramount.
Therefore, a school building must be a safe, welcoming, and comfortable environment.

For these reasons, in the construction of buildings for educational purposes, the application of green building techniques is the best solution.

Since 2001, La Foca has been constructing wooden structures for the public sector, and today is able to work with complex architectural projects using REI 30, REI 60, REI 90, and REI 120 standards (hereinafter Eurocodes 1, 5, and 8).

The experience of La Foca is also recognized on national level, mentioned in the UTET encyclopedia series WOOD Manual Techniques to design in Italy (l’Enciclopedia UTET collana Scienze Tecniche LEGNO Manuale per progettare in Italia) with its realization of the school of 3.000 sqm in Vinovo (Turin, Italy).

scuola in bioedilizia vinovo
costruzione scuole in bioedilizia frontale
costruzione scuole in bioedilizia